History is probably the most enjoyable subject of discourse to many, while some find solace in the fun-filled lifestyle of the people recorded in it.
At Postingday.com we have created a unique compilation of Top5 Men Who Might Be Richer Than The World Government .
Let’s take a ride back into the AD’s, BC’s and hopefully our time.
1. Mansa Musa- This man is worth billions of dollars back in his time.
415billion dollars.(149,317,000,000,000.00 naira)
He was an emperor, who conquered west Africa, and
he had a dominating rule over Ghana and Mali.
He was known as the "Man Behind The Gold". He
owned 99% of all Golds in the world. His major
investment channel was supplying of gold.
Some of his greatest achievements like the building
of schools, mosque and universities are still surviving
the harsh brute of nature till today, even many more
years to come.
2. King Solomon- 2.2Trillion Dollars. (Around 719,600,000,000,000.00
The Holy Bible recorded King Solomon as the richest
man to ever walked on earth.
He ruled Israel for 40years and was renowned for his
wise and inbuilt ability to handle crucial situations.
He receives 666 Golds yearly as a gift token, which
could be totaled at £86,000. You are free to calculate
that in today's exchange rates.
He also receives income from tax and trade, which
are his major source of revenues.
King Solomon built the first Jerusalem temple.
3. Augustus Ceazar - 4.63 Trillion Dollars (Around 1,439,200,000,000,000.00)
Augustus Ceazar was the first emperor of the Roman
empire. He single-handedly owned the entire country
of Egypt.
4. Osman Ali Khan - 2 Billion Dollars.(719,600,000,000.00 naira)
Aside from his documented network, research discovered that he might be richer than the stated
Osman Ali Khan was born in India, and he was a
well established Diamond supplier globally. He was a
Prince in India.
In 1947, he was featured in Times Magazine. He
earned massive income from land revenues, monthly
royalties etc.
He owned over 400 million dollars diamond
collections. His generous lifestyle and free will heart
gave him a great link among the people of India. He
father over 149 children's.
5. Muammar Al Gathafi - 200 Billion Dollars.(71,960,000,000,000.00 naira)
Gathafi was a revolutionary leader, political theorist
and a master in the game of world politics. He
owned a massive real estate business, trillion dollars
worth of oil well, and numerous investments.
He stored over 30 billion dollars in the UK, 30 billion in
Germany, USA, France, and Italy. That's surely a huge
sum of eye-pinching solid cash.
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Top5 Men Who Might Be Richer Than The World Government: By Postingday