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* Mrkunlex Peter Dada, Akure
The Federal Government has said that the teaching of
science subjects and mathematics in indigenous
languages in primary and secondary schools across
the country would commence soon.
Director-General of the National Centre for
Technology Management, Prof. Okechukwu
Ukwuoma, stated this during a retreat organised for
researchers in Akure, capital of Ondo State.
Ukwuoma, who is a member of a committee set up
to supervise the project, also disclosed that experts
were contracted to translate science and
mathematics terminologies to the various indigenous
languages spoken in the country.
He said, “Last year, the Minister of Science and
Technology and the Minister of Education inaugurated
a committee to teach science and mathematics in
indigenous languages. The major issue in that regard
is the translation of terminologies to the languages
for which we have consulted experts in different
languages in the country.
The don, who commended the Federal government
on the idea, expressed optimism in the success of the
project. He also noted that many textbooks had
already been translated to some Nigerian languages
through the efforts of the committee.
The NACETEM boss stressed the need for researchers
to contribute toward the development of science and
technology in the country. He lamented the lack of
good research works in the country, blaming it on the
lust for quick and easy money amongst the people.
“All over the world everything about science and
technology is always hard to sell because you need
to convince people. Nigerians are good researchers,
but they lack something.
“Many businessmen who are supposed ensure the
commercialisation of research inventions prefer to
buy fake ones outside the country and come back to
make quick money,” he said.
However, Ukwuoma disclosed that the Federal
Government had established a National Research and
Innovation Fund, which would be accessed by
entrepreneurs or innovators interested in developing
science and technology inventions
The don said, “Information is what people need.
When people lack information, they find it very
difficult to find solution to some problems. So we
need really to get some information about what is
going on.”
2018-03-09 07:21 · (0)

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