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* Mrkunlex New skills are coming up in the ICT field in Nigeria and there are a lot of skilled jobs that ICT provided for young aspiring genius and guru who can make a living out of it. These skills require constant practice and more effort to help meet up with the global trend. One problem about the low rate of people going into this skill is because there is no cheaper means to learn them. Some of these skills are required in Movie industry, building Construction, Games, Software, Security and Financial institutions.
The following are Nigeria ICT skills and the tools you can use to learn it easily with the help of some online tutor YouTube, Lynda, CodeAcademy and many more.
8. 2D / 3D Animation
2D animation have been in existence since 1800s, this
skill require you to create animated images like South
Park, The Simpsons etc. You will have to draw
different images with a slightly different pose till you
have 24 frames a seconds. There are limited to what
you can do with 2D animation. In the other hand, 3D
gives you the control of your objects, they can be
control 360 degree and you can move to any angle
you wish is the best for viewers. Tools for 2D
2D Tools
Anime Studio
Adobe Flash
Toon Boom
3D Tools
3D Studio Max
7. Graphic Designer
A graphic designer is a visual communicator,
someone who creates visual concepts by hand or by
using computer software. They communicate ideas to
inspire, inform, or captivate consumers. These skills
are very important in an organization that deals with
product marketing. As a graphic designer you work
with software’s like Adobe Photoshop, Adobe
Illustrator, Adobe InDesign or LightRoom. You are
required to be creative and also think outside the box.
You can get lots of free tutorial about these skills on
YouTube, Alison, Chegg, GCFleanFree etc. The
following are best Graphic Designs tools and where
you can download them.
Graphic Design Tools
Adobe Illustrator
Adobe InDesign
Adobe Photoshop
Corel Draw
6. Web Designer
Web design encompasses many different skills and
disciplines in the production and maintenance of
websites. The different areas of web design include
web graphic design; interface design; authoring,
including standardized code and proprietary software;
user experience design; and search engine
optimization. Often many individuals will work in
teams covering different aspects of the design
process, although some designers will cover them all.
Source: Wikipedia. There are hundreds of website
offering free web design tutorial and free video like
YouTube, Lynda, CodeAcademy and many more. The
lists below are website you can learn web design for
free and tools you can use to work with it.
Online Free Tutor
Web Design Tools
Sublime Text
Adobe Dreamweaver
5. Database Management System
A database-management system (DBMS) is a
computer-software application that interacts with
end-users, other applications, and the database itself
to capture and analyze data. A general-purpose DBMS
allows the definition, creation, querying, update, and
administration of databases. This skill allows you to
work with big organization or company for storage of
data and other relevant information about staffs etc.
the following are database program you can learn
and where you can learn them for free.
Online Free Tutor
DBMS Programs
Microsoft SQL Server
4. Java Programmer
Java is a general-purpose computer programming
language that is concurrent, class-based, object-
oriented, and specifically designed to have as few
implementation dependencies as possible. It is
intended to let application developers "write once, run
anywhere" (WORA), meaning that compiled Java
code can run on all platforms that support Java
without the need for recompilation. Java
programming skills are always needed by company
to help them create java application or any java
program. This skill is very easy to learn when you
have access to some good tutorial videos online.
Online Free Tutor
Java Tools
JDK ( Java Development Kit)
Eclipse IDE
Oracle JDeveloper
3. Networking
Computer network technology can prepare you for a
variety of careers, such as computer and information
systems management, computer systems analysis,
network and computer systems administration and
computer network architecture. In computer
networks, networked computing devices exchange
data with each other using a data link. The
connections between nodes are established using
either cable media or wireless media.
Online Networking Tutor
Life Wire
Learn Computer Networking
2. Video Editing
Video editing is the manipulation and arrangement of
video shots. Video editing is used to structure and
present all video information, including films and
television shows, video advertisements and video
essays. Video editing has been dramatically
democratized in recent years by editing software
available for personal computers. This skill is high in
demand with the increase in movie production,
animation, music video, documentary etc. The lists
below are video editing tools that are easy to learn and also have available video tutorials online.
Free Online Tutor
Video School Online
Video Editing Tools
Adobe Premier Pro
VSDC Video Editor
VideoPad Video Editor
1. Ethical Hacking
An ethical hacker (also known as a white hat hacker) is the ultimate security professional. Ethical hackers know how to find and exploit vulnerabilities and weaknesses in various systems—just like a malicious hacker (or a black hat hacker). In fact, they both use the same skills; however, an ethical hacker uses
those skills in a legitimate, lawful manner to try to
find vulnerabilities and fix them before the bad guys
can get there and try to break in.
Free Ethical Training
EC - Council
Hackers Online Club
Now that you know where you can learn your preferred skills, kindly drop your suggestion and visit
the url below for links to download this tools

2018-04-02 10:43 (edited 2018-04-02 10:46 by Mrkunlex ) · (0)

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